Stage 5 - Spring Block 3 - Decimals and Percentages - End of Block Assessment QMXTHUZ
Lesson 1 - To be able to read, represent and write numbers with two decimal places
Lesson 2 - To be able to explore the relationship between decimals and fractions
Lesson 3 - To be able to explore the relationship between decimals and fractions greater than one
Lesson 4 - To be able to explore the concept of thousandths
Lesson 5 - To be able to read, represent and write numbers with three decimal places
Lesson 6 - To be able to round decimal numbers to the nearest whole and tenth
Lesson 7 - To be able to compare and order numbers with up to three decimal places
Lesson 8 - To be able to explore the concept of percentages
Lesson 9 - To be able to represent percentages as fractions and decimals
Lesson 10 - To be able to identify equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages