As a parent you want your child to succeed. You want them to develop a strong educational foundation from which they can grow. Developing fluency with basic maths facts is essential for future success in mathematics.

Maths Shed provides parents:

  • A game-like format that helps builds your child’s confidence with maths fluency
  • The ability to track your child’s progress and see what maths skills they might need additional help with
  • Access to Maths Shed across all devices including tablets and mobile
  • Increase fluency with addition & subtraction, multiplication tables, number pairs, and more
  • Becoming fluent with basic maths facts is widely recognized as a key indicator of future mathematical success

Parents can subscribe to Maths Shed for their children directly or access can be provided by a school.

Both Spelling Shed & Maths Shed provide an affordable resource that is fun for your children and helps build confidence.

Create an account now to get started for just $74.99 a year! Sign Up