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Stage 1 - Autumn Block 2 - Addition and Subtraction - End of Block Assessment QNRGKLJ
Lesson 1 - To be able to explore using part-whole models
Lesson 2 - To be able to use the addition symbol
Lesson 3 - To be able to use addition fact families
Lesson 4 - To be able to use number bonds within 10
Lesson 5 - To be able to use number bonds systematically
Lesson 6 - To be able to explore number bonds to 10
Lesson 7 - To be able to compare number bonds
Lesson 8 - To be able to add together
Lesson 9 - To be able to add more
Lesson 10 - To be able to find a part
Lesson 11 - To be able to find how many are left (1)
Lesson 12 - To be able to find how many are left (2)
Lesson 13 - To be able to break a whole into parts for subtraction
Lesson 14 - To be able to find links between addition and subtraction facts
Lesson 15 - To be able to count backwards
Lesson 16 - To be able to find the difference between two numbers
Lesson 17 - To be able to compare statements (1)
Lesson 18 - To be able to compare statements (2)