MathShed includes:
Our platform works in conjunction with Spelling Shed to help develop learners retention and recall of number facts. MathShed can be used with a small group to improve a specific skill or across a whole school with different number skills being targetted across year groups.
Our whole class lesson presentations follow a Singapore and Shanghai-inspired mastery approach. Each lesson is designed to be click-and-go ready and are compatible with a number of popular mastery schemes of learning, including Maths No Problem, White Rose Maths, Mathematics Mastery and Eureka Mathematics.
Each lesson presentation includes warm-up or starter activities, plenty of whole class discussion slides to allow for effective modelling and assessment for learning questioning, as well as concrete, pictorial and abstract tasks and activities – requiring both fluency as well as reasoning and problem solving as a result of in-built procedural and conceptual variation – with each lesson leading towards a challenging evaluation question to recap and review each lesson’s small step of learning.
Our game has been developed to be ‘dyslexia friendly’ using the ‘Open Dyslexic’ font and has three levels of difficulty to support pupils of all abilities through the maths challenges with appropriate degrees of scaffolding.
Our app also allows full offline play and scanning of QR codes to both import lists as well as for pupils to sign in to their account.
Our online game mirrors our app and functions on all current desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile devices.
When a school has any subscription, students can access our online game using their account from any location.
For subscribers, our teacher hub allows teachers to manage pupil groups, set assignments and view pupil attainment data. Teachers can set assignments for pupils, individually or in groups. As pupils practise these maths challenges teachers can view the pupils' activity.